Turbo German Rig

What you need to create a Turbo German rig:
A hook of your Choice, we have used a R-Curve,
Hooklink of your choice, we have used Peel Coated Hooklink, Micro Ring Swivel, 1.6mm Heat Shrink Tubing, Quick Swivel and Hook Beads

Attach a Quick Swivel to the Hooklink
with a Grinner Knot

Take the Quick Swivel and pass the crook through the eye of the hook

Cut a small piece of 1.6mm Heat Shrink Tubing

Pass the 1.6mm Heat Shrink Tube over the crook of the quick Swivel and eye of the hook.

Place a Micro Ring Swivel on the the hook

Cut your desired lengh of hooklink, around 10 inches

Trim and blob the tag end of the knot

With the crook of the Quick Swivel through the eye of the hook, gently close up the crook using a pair of scissors or pliers.

Slide the 1.6mm Heat Shrink Tubing on to the Hook

Now take a lighter and shrink the 1.6mm Heat Shrink tubing down as shown.

Thread a Hook Bead on to the hook and
position it opposite the barb

The finished rig