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C Clips
  • C Clips

    C Clips are a game-changing component for anglers looking for a safer, more controlled way to drop their leads when fishing in weedy conditions. These preformed ‘C’-shaped clips are designed to deform under a specific amount of force, ensuring that leads are only released when necessary, reducing the risk of fish towing unnecessary weight.


    Available in two weight ratings, the small C Clip has a release pressure of approximately 3lb, making it perfect for short to medium-range fishing where a lighter release is beneficial. The large C Clip, with a release pressure of approximately 6lb, is ideal for longer-range applications, where greater force is required before the lead is dropped.


    Incorporating a C Clip into your leader setup is quick and easy, seamlessly integrating into chod and helicopter rigs. These clips have been thoroughly tested in demanding conditions and have proven to be incredibly effective, ensuring that leads are only lost when absolutely necessary—typically when weed buildup increases resistance. This makes them one of the safest and most efficient ways to fish chod rigs and helicopters in thick weed, improving both fish welfare and overall angling success.


    To see how to set up a C Clip, click here


    20 per pack


    Price includes UK delivery.

    A small delivery charge may apply for International Shipping.


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