Multi Rig

What you need to create a Multi rig:
A Chod Style hook of your Choice, we have used a
R-Square Chod, Peel Coated Hooklink, Sinew Supple Braid or Cored Splicable hooklink and a Bait Screw

The loop will determine the height your bait will sit.

Then blob it with a lighter

...Pass both ends of the mono through
the eye of the hook...

Place a Bait Screw on to the Loop on the hooklink

Don’t pull the loop tight! Form the ‘D’.

Start by tying a loop using a Figure-Of-Eight Knot.

Trim the tag end of the Figure-Of-Eight

Now place the loop through the eye of the hook.
Handy tip, use a length of mono to help pass the hooklink through the eye of the hook. Pass the mono through the loop on the hooklink...

...then pull the mono and tease the loop on the hooklink through the eye of the hook.

Now take the loop back over the point of the hook like so.

The finished rig