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What you need to create a D-Rig:
A hook of your Choice, we have used a
Curved LongShanker, Phantom FluroCarbon Hooklink
or Peel Caoted Hooklink,
360 Bait Screw and a D-Rig Aligner

Attach the hook to the hooklink using a knotless knot

Slide a 360 Bait Screw on to the D-Rig Aligner

Pass the point through the hole in the bottom
of the D-Rig Aligner

Cut around 10 inches of your chosen hooklink

Slide a 360 Bait Screw on to the D-Rig Aligner

Push the top of the D-Rig Aligner over the eye of the hook

Position the bottom of the D-Rig Aligner so it is opposite the barb

The finished rig, ideal for a Wafter hookbait
What we used:
Or Buy Ready Made
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